ACE is a Certifying Organization recognized by Americorps, so our officers may distribute President's Volunteer Service Awards, America's most prestigious honor for volunteers, to qualifying members. ACE members gain volunteer hours through tutoring, penpalling, creating lessons, translating, managing outreach, and more.
Neha Tadikamalla, 2024

Hi,I’m Neha a current senior at Saratoga High! I won Silver PVSA in August 2024 with 176 hours of volunteer service. Last year, I helped make over 10 audio book videos, which you can find on the ACE YouTube and Bilibili. And I tutored English to two students from Palestine.
Willis Chung, 2023

Hi, I'm Willis! I won the Gold PVSA in November 2023 with 100 hours. I've been working with my student in Taiwan for two years now. Last summer, I helped translate this website into Chinese and French. I also made some videos, which you can find on our YouTube and Bilibili.
Navya Chawla, 2023

Anais Sobrier, 2023